
Spray Foam Insulation
Spray polyurethane foam (SPF) insulation can be categorized into two different types: light-density open-cell spray foam insulation (1/2LB) and medium-density closed-cell spray foam insulation (2LB). Both types of SPF are thermoset cellular plastics comprising millions of small cells.
Spray foam insulation, like other insulation, saves on energy costs and lowers utility bills. Studies by the US Department of Energy show that 40% of a home’s energy is lost as the result of air infiltration through walls, windows and doorways. Buildings treated with spray foam insulation insulate as much as 50% better than traditional insulation products.
- Roof
- Walls
- Attic
- Duct Work
- Under Slabs
- Concrete Walls
- Combined Spaces
Insulation properly deployed can be part of a system designed to protect against moisture, which provides the benefit of reducing the chance of harmful mold, mildew and rotting of wood.
In addition to building temperature and moisture control, spray foam insulation is often used to reduce noise. Foam insulation serves as a barrier to airborne sounds, and reduces airborne sound transfer through a building’s roof, floor and walls compared an uninsulated structure.
Insulation of all types stops a good deal of energy loss. Some types including spray foams also seal air leaks. Insulation can also save energy in hot climates by reducing air conditioning use.